Saturday, 9 March 2013

Afternoon in Stanley Park

A beautiful, sunny, warm spring day was spent in Stanley Park. It started as a walk around the seawall, but ended being a hike through the park due to a good chunk of the seawall being closed for maintenance. Despite the steep inclines required to go up and over the mountain, it was delightful. We enjoyed being in the forest and came across some lovely surprises along the way. First, we spotted two bald eagles sitting at the top of a tall bare tree.
Then, further down the trail we saw a ruby-throated hummingbird sitting in a tree. We stopped and held our breathe! He sat for quite awhile, then took off checking out other bushes, and then surprisingly came back to sit in the tree again. This time I carefully reached for my camera, fully expecting him to take off and not come back, but he stayed!

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