Wednesday 21 January 2015

I read a book

Last night I read the book Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon.

I found it to be a fun, easy read, but not a light read. Instead I found it to be highly inspiring and thought provoking. While I did read it all in one short sitting I feel like I need to sit down and read it again in a week.

There are plenty of quotable and profound thoughts to be found throughout. Some immediately resonated with where I am at with my art now and some statements I read and noted "that's a good thought, but I need to come back to it later". There is almost to much to absorb all in one reading (or so my new mommy brain thinks).

So far this is my favourite quote:

Thursday 8 January 2015

A New Year

Typically, as January begins there is a flurry of goal-setting and resolution making. Most years I like to set a few reasonable goals for myself; recording and prioritizing those vague " I should do's" into specific attainable actions.

 Last year was one of those unusual, memorable years one finds oneself experiencing every so often. The arrival of our baby was anticipated and celebrated. It was an event that, like a major weather system, sweeps in and dramatically changes life's landscape. It is expected and understood that life will be different after the arrival of a baby, but quite another matter to experience it.

 At this stage of life I am not sure what is realistic and attainable anymore. So, as I look ahead to the coming year I see many milestones ahead rather than specific goals. I simply want to enjoy and experience each milestone as it comes along this year. Which, I suppose, is inadvertently making a resolution for this year, but perhaps this resolution is attainable.