Monday 22 August 2016

Big News!

I officially have a website now!
I am very excited to finally be launching a website. I'm not sure why I delayed it so long, but now you can view my art in and easy to view, clean and organized website format. Head on over to to see for yourself. Also with the website comes my new blog, from now on I will be posting at or you can follow me on twitter @SarahPeschell and instagram @sarah_peschell to see what I'm currently working on (or distracted by).

Monday 2 May 2016

April's Projects

This is a work in progress that is coming along slowly. At one point I had thought I had finished it. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen a post questioning that. However, I decided it was not done and so I started experimenting with it. I like the direction it is going so far. Thank you my husband for the suggestion to add colour.
I have also been doing research on a long overdue project, setting up a website. A blog just doesn't cut it, (especially when I don't update it frequently). That project is moving along too.
So stay tuned for details

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Recap of February

What did I do in February? Despite my lack of posting to my blog, I have actually been making art. During the month of February I participated in (and tried to keep up with) the Daily Practice Challenge by Opus Art Supplies. I managed to do over half of them, but I realized off the bat that I was going to miss some and I gave myself permission to do so, no catch up necessary. I posted the finished drawings to instagram (@sarah_peschell) and here are a couple collages of them. It was just practicing and playing.