Thursday, 28 January 2016

Creative Prompt Week 14

I have had the drawing finished and waiting to be photographed and posted since early last week. So this post is a little late, but here it is now. The prompt was My Favourite Weather.
My favorite weather is the crisp, clear and cool days of autumn. I used soft pastels on printmaking paper for this little drawing.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Creative Prompt Week 13

Well I guess I'm not exactly sticking to one drawing a week. I have been grabbing a few minutes here and there when I have the chance and they have come a bit more frequently lately. Or maybe it's just the urge to draw coming more frequently. I do feel a bit guilty sitting down to draw rather than sweep all the dust bunnies up or doing some other house tidying. Obviously not too guilty though or I wouldn't be drawing!
The prompt for week 13 was: Scissors. I know I tend to very literally and realistically render the prompts. For now anyway I am practicing at keeping my drawing skills up. I used charcoal and graphite on kraft paper today.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Creative Prompt Week 11

I have finally picked up my drawing utensils after ignoring them for way too long. I'm going to blame Christmas prep and holidaying for the distraction. Now that we are almost heading into the second week of January we have finally gotten back into routine.
Picking up from where I left off, this week's prompt was: Elephant. It was drawn with graphite on a found paper bag.
Over the holidays it was pointed out that I forgot to share a photo of the last prompt. So here is the image from week 10 also.