Monday, 16 September 2013

September Art Night

Tonight we had our September Art Night and we had a really good turn out! There was eight people plus myself. (I know that's not huge, but for a fledgling group, I'll call it good) It seemed to be a group that clicked well and was willing to share what they were working on and be inspired by each other. I shared a little bit (5 minutes tops) about my art and journey, how I got to where I am now, as well as some of the big questions that I keep contemplating about art.
I am definitely encouraged by the attendance tonight and the response from the group. I'm also personally, artistically inspired, I came home and immediately started painting!
The more you paint, the more you want to paint and the easier it is to pick up the brushes.
I say that because I spent a good part of last week painting. Yesterday was a huge day for us at work as it was our ministry fair. Every group got a spot to set up a display to showcase what they do. I painted a couple signs, (lettering, very finicky) and a chef. He was about 5 ft tall and 4 ft wide, quite the guy! We cut an opening so people could put their head in and become the chef. He took a good amount of time, so I was on a roll and ready to keep painting tonight.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Today's Creative Endeavour

Today's creative endeavour was also a mental workout. I am doing a World Vision seminar on Community Assessment, so we had to do a lot of brainstorming. This is what one of the brainstorming tasks ended up looking like. I think ours may have been the messiest and most colourful in the room. I guess that what happens when you give a creative person a large piece of paper and a handful of coloured markers! I took advantage of the space!